Aplastic anemia (AA), Clinical studies, DLH, illness, Medication, Patient days, PNH
Workshop on AA / PNH on June 14th, 2021
A virtual workshop on aplastic anemia and PNH will take place on Monday, June 14th, 2021 at 5 p.m. Prof. Dr. Jörg Westermann from Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin will inform you about the origin, diagnosis and treatment options for both diseases and is available to answer any questions. Afterwards, the participants have the opportunity to exchange experiences with one another.
The workshop is part of the DLH patient congress ( Deutsche Leukämie- & Lymphom-Hilfe eV ), which also offers numerous other workshops on, in some cases, cross-disease topics. Take a look at the program and register at https://www.dlh-kongress.de/der-kongress/online-anmeldung/ .
*** Attention! The workshop is not recorded so you cannot watch it later! ***