Workshop and first meeting of the regional group East

On March 9th, 2019 as part of the Berlin Cancer Self-Help Day a workshop on aplastic anaemia and PNH took place at the Technical University in Berlin, which Prof Dr Westermann from the Charité carried out. The participants listened with interest to his explanations on diagnosis and the latest developments in treatment and then had the opportunity to ask questions. The Berlin Cancer Self-Help Day also offered short lectures and workshops on cross-disease topics such as exercise, nutrition and social law issues. At our information stand, we were able to explain blood formation and the disorders present in AA and PNH using a table roll-up sponsored by the DLH.



In the evening, the regional group East met for the first time in Café Hardenberg. The seven participants looked back on the day and exchanged views on various other topics. The next meeting is planned again in Berlin after the patient and family day in Ulm, which will take place on May 11, 2019.